Sunday, 19 November 2017

It was the year 1872 an old short lady had moved into the small aged cottage next door. Everyone thought she was a kind hearted woman, BUT! At midnight when the clock struck twelve everything happened so quickly the screams, the laughing and the music box playing! The only person who ever heard that was a little girl called Mary who lived beside the small cottage. She was 10 years old and lived with her father, Tom. Her mum had died when she was only a baby. They only had one animal where they lived and that was their dog Archie.
One day Mary was sitting by the window looking out towards the old cottage. Then she noticed the old lady walking out of her front door with a little bag of lollies in her small frail hand. After about an hour she returned but this time she returned with a little boy who looked about 6 or 7 they wandered into the cottage. At midnight she heard it, the screams, the laughing and the music box playing. That boy was never seen again. This had been playing on her mind for a while so Mary decided to creep to the police station making sure the old lady was not watching. She was going to talk to them about her suspicion on the old lady. She scrambled into the police station slamming the door behind her. ‘’Police where's the police, help me’’! There's a crazy lady living beside me.
‘’Do you have any evidence’’ said the police.
‘’I do I do’’ she screamed ‘’come to my house’’. So they set off at a brisk walk down the street then turned left into a dark cobwebbed alley beside Mary’s house, then stepped through her back door. They waited for hours  and then suddenly one of the police men stood up and said ‘’I’m sick of this. I’m  going over there’’. So off he went over to her house but little did he know it was one minute to midnight. He went and rung the old silver door bell. The lady invited him in, shutting the ancient door behind him.
The tall grandfather clock in Mary’s house started to chime. It was midnight. Then they heard a man sreaming, a lady laughing and the music box playing. They ran over to her house to investigate the streaming. They barged into her house ‘’we have a warrant to search the premises’’ yelled the police. ‘’Ok’’ said the lady ‘’but don't go into the basement it is full of rats. They searched and searched. It was hopeless and Mary was sick of it. So she tiptoed to the basement door and swung it open. She flicked the switch. The bulb flickered then shone a dim light over the basement. Mary saw the most haunting sight of her life. Thousand of bodies stacked up like books on a bookshelf and at the very top was the little boy and the policeman.  Mary screamed, her heart was thumping the police came running in they started yelling lights flashed everywhere and Mary fainted...

They arrested the old lady and she was sentenced to death she was hung the very next day. The little old village was normal again at least that's what they thought.     

The End                       

By Abbey Carter & Nicole McBain

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