Wednesday, 22 November 2017

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Bubble bubble,
Glittering water swirls pulling her down,
Image result for The seaStruggling as the strong waves crash,
Tide pulling her out,
Into the blackness,
Screaming under the shining sun,
Down down down she goes Into the sea.

By Nicole

Sunday, 19 November 2017

It was the year 1872 an old short lady had moved into the small aged cottage next door. Everyone thought she was a kind hearted woman, BUT! At midnight when the clock struck twelve everything happened so quickly the screams, the laughing and the music box playing! The only person who ever heard that was a little girl called Mary who lived beside the small cottage. She was 10 years old and lived with her father, Tom. Her mum had died when she was only a baby. They only had one animal where they lived and that was their dog Archie.
One day Mary was sitting by the window looking out towards the old cottage. Then she noticed the old lady walking out of her front door with a little bag of lollies in her small frail hand. After about an hour she returned but this time she returned with a little boy who looked about 6 or 7 they wandered into the cottage. At midnight she heard it, the screams, the laughing and the music box playing. That boy was never seen again. This had been playing on her mind for a while so Mary decided to creep to the police station making sure the old lady was not watching. She was going to talk to them about her suspicion on the old lady. She scrambled into the police station slamming the door behind her. ‘’Police where's the police, help me’’! There's a crazy lady living beside me.
‘’Do you have any evidence’’ said the police.
‘’I do I do’’ she screamed ‘’come to my house’’. So they set off at a brisk walk down the street then turned left into a dark cobwebbed alley beside Mary’s house, then stepped through her back door. They waited for hours  and then suddenly one of the police men stood up and said ‘’I’m sick of this. I’m  going over there’’. So off he went over to her house but little did he know it was one minute to midnight. He went and rung the old silver door bell. The lady invited him in, shutting the ancient door behind him.
The tall grandfather clock in Mary’s house started to chime. It was midnight. Then they heard a man sreaming, a lady laughing and the music box playing. They ran over to her house to investigate the streaming. They barged into her house ‘’we have a warrant to search the premises’’ yelled the police. ‘’Ok’’ said the lady ‘’but don't go into the basement it is full of rats. They searched and searched. It was hopeless and Mary was sick of it. So she tiptoed to the basement door and swung it open. She flicked the switch. The bulb flickered then shone a dim light over the basement. Mary saw the most haunting sight of her life. Thousand of bodies stacked up like books on a bookshelf and at the very top was the little boy and the policeman.  Mary screamed, her heart was thumping the police came running in they started yelling lights flashed everywhere and Mary fainted...

They arrested the old lady and she was sentenced to death she was hung the very next day. The little old village was normal again at least that's what they thought.     

The End                       

By Abbey Carter & Nicole McBain

Wednesday, 25 October 2017

Image result for toilet roll phone holder

You will need:
Two toilet paper rolls,
Colored card , colored
foam or wrapping paper.
Scissors and a hot glue gun.

1. Get one of the two toilet rolls and cut it right in half.
2. Then cut the second one so that there is only one slit in it.
3. Get the glue gun and one of the wide edges of the half roll.
4. Then slide it into the slot of the other one hold it till it dry’s.
5. Next cut 2 small squares foam or card & glue them onto the circle shapes then cut them into a circle.

6. Last of all get the colored foam or wrapping paper and wrap it all around the toilet rolls & glue into place.

Monday, 16 October 2017

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The bright shiny spring day. Her eyes drew to dazzling blossomed trees in the meadow. The lush green grass was soft like a blanket under her feet.

Gorgeous gleaming tulips gently swayed in the warm spring breeze. The rodent red, orange and black wings of butterflies fluttered around her face. A glowing blue pond glittered in the distance. This little peaceful place in the huge world was the only place that mattered to her. The only place she could be alone with her thoughts.

By Nicole

Sunday, 27 August 2017

Money Money Money

This is a murder that I need you to help me solve. Oh I forgot I’m Detective Spring. Billionaire Duncan has been murdered in the library of his Mansion. It was strange but still quite beautiful, the old-fashioned dark wood book shelves stood showing its colourful books within.

There were four other people in the house at the time of the murder which were Duncan’s Wife Saria, his 16 year old son Theodore, his secret love the maid Merry weather and the cook Bertram.But who would have a good enough motive to kill Duncan? . . .

Let’s find out their alibis. First his Jealous, blue eyed, want to be rich but doesn't want to work son Who had threatened to kill his father many  times. He claimed that he was at a friends house and three friends saw him there. Now...        Saria who said she was in her room sewing but no one saw her. Bertram said he was in the kitchen preparing supper. He said Merryweather saw him when she was walking past with the washing and she said she was taking the dirty washing to the laundry when she saw him.  

Let’s investigate the library. Duncan was lying on the ground. It looks as if someone has poisoned him. I have looked at his will. He left all of his money to Merry wether because he secretly love her.
I found out that Merryweather and Bertram were married and kept it a secret.  Bertram made some berry and cinnamon tea and put it poison in it then Merryweather snuck into the library and snuck out before  Duncan looked up. They did it for the money that's the only reason why they got those jobs. . . .

by Nicole McBain  

Sunday, 6 August 2017

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The dark black, sly, cute, clever cat crawled then pounced sticking its razor sharp claws out of his snowy white socks. His gleaming, gorgeous face looked up at me with large, innocent blue eyes. This clean silky, smooth, sparkling body rubbed up against my leg purring like a turbo. I patted him under his absolutely white chin which has a little black dot on it. On cold winter mornings  he would come trotting up to me, his long magnificent whiskers bouncing up and down. Then leaping wide eyed landing softly and quite gracefully on my lap ready to curl up. His shiny gleaming tail looked very delicate and soft. His loud, lively turbo purr was sweet.

By Nicole



Sunday, 30 July 2017

WINTERImage result for real snowflake

Wild winds howl as they make me shiver                
 Ice cold leaves slowly fall crinkling as they hit icy grass
Numb fingers feeling like they are going to snap off soon
Thawing puddles sitting in the dim small winter sun
Extreme winter cold that chills me to the bone            
 Rainy smooth clouds floating like a ghost in the grey sad skyImage result for winter


Williamina Dean (Minnie Dean)

Where she lived

Minnie Dean lived in Winton. She was born in Greenock Scotland but no one knows when she moved to Winton, New Zealand.

Her family

Minnie Dean’s husband Charles Dean died in a house fire but there was no evidence of their marriage. Willamina also had two daughters. There is no evidence of when they were born and what happened to them no one knows. Willamina Dean came from a family of eight girls. Minnie’s Mother died from cancer.

Why she was hung

Minnie Dean killed babies. She MURDERED them !!!! Willamina Dean was the first and last women in New Zealand to be hung. On the 2nd May, 1895 a railway guard saw Minnie board a train. She was carrying a baby and a hat box. On the trip back home she only had the hat box which looked slightly heavier. Police searched the tracks then they investigated her home. They found the bodies of two babies and an older boy buried in her garden. Minnie adopted a three week old baby from its single mother for £25. Police traced Minnie to a boarding house where they found the baby in dirty clothes and being fed out of a bottle which had sour and curdled milk in it. She said she would take care of the baby's for free but people did not know she would purposely kill them under her care.


Rumors have it that the grass around her grave is all dead. But I think people are just spraying it. Minnie was buried in an unmarked grave. People used to say to their children be good or I’ll send you off to Minnie Deans farm and you’ll never be seen again. A normal person would be buried six feet down but it was said Minnie was buried
deeper than everyone else. She also was buried face down in her unmarked grave because she she was so evil.

Her life

In 1878 Charles Dean turned to farming, he was a pig farmer. While Willamina started to take care of children. Minnie’s father was a railway engineer. Her mother died in 1957 from cancer. Willamina was born September 2nd, 1844 and died August 12th 1895 (age 50). Now she lies in Winton cemetery.

By Nicole

Tuesday, 4 July 2017

Six Photos Image result for very old images of New Zealand History

By the look of this photo has been  taken of the children of Denniston school children outside of the school. Can you see the younger and shorter children are at the front in the photo and the taller and older ones are at the back. As you can see this is a very old photo. The school was on the west coast of  the southland New Zealand. It looks like all the children are dressed in their good clothes for the school photo.

Monday, 13 March 2017

ArindaleImage result for dark clouds

Arindale was a lovely bright happy kingdom until the day the Queen died. She died at the age of 50. Then it turned dark. The clouds turned black. The Villagers turned against each other. The only one left to rule was the mean old King. He had dark black hair like the thick of night. When he smiled you could see his yellow teeth. Whenever he walked  around the village everyone ran in terror screaming and hoping that he did not see them. When any poor unlucky person didn't see him coming he would snatch them up and lock them in the dungeon and swallow the key. Some people believed he was the Devil himself. But there was one boy in the village who was brave enough to stand his ground. His name was JAKE Carson.He was 15 years old and lived with his poor old mother Mary.They lived in a small cottage on the edge of the Kingdom. Their house had two rooms. A bedroom and a dining room. They only had one bed that Jake gave to his mother because she was very ill. Every day JAKE would go to his neighbourly friends to get a bit of food for them all so he could feed his mother. One day JAKE was walking around the village and heard the king talking. He was muttering about the queen hiding a key somewhere but he had no idea where. JAKE walked away thinking to himself “what if he got the key?” Then the king would do anything to get it.  That night while his mother was in bed sleeping he decided to go for a night time walk. He walked a little bit then found a tree to sit under. Then he saw a gold object deep down under the tree roots. JAKE reached out and grabbed it. There was a note attached. It said “Dear finder, well done, you have found the key. Now you must make your way into the castle. There is a sealed up room that the key will unlock. Inside will be all my money and possessions. Do not tell the key or you will die. Yours sincerely, the Queen.” After JAKE read that he raced home and woke up his mother and told her everything. She was amazed. She said to him in a soft quiet voice, “You should get ready then.” So JAKE got some things, a jacket, rope, some bread, a bag and a dagger in case he ran into the king. Then he set off. Once he got there he thought to himself, “How am I supposed to get up there?” Then he looked around and saw a flagstaff that was close to the castle. He threw his rope up to the top then heaved himself up and climbed through an open window. The JAKE noticed he was in the kings bedroom and the king was asleep. JAKE snuck past the kings bed and slipped into the hallway. Then he noticed he had run into a maid. She looked about the same age as him. JAKE told her why he was there. The maid said her name was Victoria. She also said that she knew where the room was. She said, “I will show you under one condition. You help me escape.” JAKE thought for a minute. If he said no, he would be wandering around the castle for ever so he said yes. They walked for about 20 minutes then found the room. They heard footsteps coming up the stairs. “The king!” Victoria said quietly. “Hide behind the door!” When the king came around the corner JAKE jumped out and stabbed the king in the heart with his dagger. He screamed as the dagger hit his heart. He fell to the ground, blood spreading across his chest. As JAKE ran towards the door and unlocked it his jaw dropped. He saw gold, gems, jewels, rubies priceless necklaces, crowns and the Queens ring that she wore every day of her life. One month later… JAKE became king. He is now known as “JAKE the King of Arindale” He is engaged to Victoria and they are getting married in a month. The kingdom is restored to it’s bright, happy self. The flowers grow, the clouds have turned white and fluffy and the villagers are happy and friendly again, forgiving each other for the harm they did. As for the old king, he was put in a coffin and burned to smithereens. Oh, we almost forgot, JAKE’s mother Mary is now living a happy life in the castle and is healthy.Image result for fairy tale castleImage result for golden key

Written by Abbey Carter and Nicole McBain.